Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday Rambling

Why do you have Tuesday rambling for today? No particular reason. Why? Do you have a problem with that? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Can I not ask you a question? Nope! You are only allowed 1 question a day, and you used it up already! Why didn't you tell me at the beginning? See? That is another question! You have to wait until tomorrow to ask another question! Yikes! You are something else! What? A very nice, lovely person? A nice person, my butt!! Thank you! Ha! Ha! Ha! Do you feel better now that you have unleash your pent up emotions? Why, yes! Thanks to me!!! Back to our ramblings and rantings....

Did anybody see early this morning the total lunar eclipse? This is a rare one since it fell on winter solstice! I woke up at 1 am and looked out the window. It was soo bright but did not see the moon. The moon must have been all the way up on top of the roof . Did you feel that yesterday was the shortest day of the year? Not really. The next lunar eclipse will be on 12212094. Wooo...hooo....Where will we be? Who cares? That is 84 years away!!!!

Has everyone seen the Sistine Chapel in Rome? It is one of the main tourist attraction in Rome where everyone goes to see! Did you know that a Frenchman, Jean Massa, made a tiny replica of it in Nice, France? It is one thirtieth the size in Vatican, and this guy spent 5,000 hours over 4 years to complete? He must really be a patient man to do a huge task! What do you think he got out of it? Prestige and satisfaction that he was able to duplicate such a place!

What is going on with the weather? There was a huge snowstorm in North America that cause major delay of motorists. Now the snowstorm is in Europe! California is also being inundated by heavy rains and high winds since last Friday! Let us all pray for the whole world!

An explosive device was found Tuesday in a grocery bag under the seat of a subway car in Rebibbia, Rome! Was sooo thankful it was found and no one was hurt! There are many people in Rome who use the subway! I know...we used it for a week when we went to Rome last year!

Did you know that there are 2 shortest people on earth? Ome of them is Jyoti Amge, 17, from India who is only 2 feet tall and the other one is 17 year old Khagendra Thapa from Nepal. He is only 22 inches tall! They look so cute and adorable!

Let us go to the latest inventions. Pillow tie. It is a tie that contains an inflatable pillow. Now you can sleep at your desk! Holly Molly! Wow! You can take that anywhere you go...you will have a pillow all the time! How neat! How about a Haptic wallet? It has 3 designs: Bumblebee- that buzzes everytime a deposit or withdrawal is made! Wouldn't this be annoying? Mother Bear - acts like a bear trap that you have to pry open when your funds get low! Wouldn't this be nice to bring to the casino so you cannot get more money?? How about if you are on a line and want to pay, cannot open the wallet?? Ay..ya..yay!!! That will be very embarrassing! Peacock - swells according to your balance! Oooppss..wouldn't that be hard on the back pockets or the purses? No worry about this one, mine will always be slim! Ha! Ha! Ha! How about a biometric wallet? It only opens with your fingerprint! Suppose your thumb is cut off..then what? And yuck, now the thieves have to cut your finger to get your wallet! Yikes!!!

Did you have fun with ny ramblings? Did you learn something new? Of course, you did! Well, have to go now... until the next rambling....

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