Friday, May 6, 2011


Friends...what are friends for? To laugh with? To work with? To play with? To cry with? Or is it simply to hang around with? Whatever is the reason, it is nice to have at least one friend! I remembered my father, bless him, a very smart and wise man. He told us not to be too near nor too far with your friends! And I wholeheartedly agree with him! Why? If you are very close to your friend and knows everything about you, when the friendship disintegrate... the whole nine yards of your dirty laundry is exposed! Am I right or not??

On the othere hand, if you are very far from your friend....that is not really a friend, is it not? There is a good word for all of this....moderation! Is that a good word or not??? Comments, anyone??

Some friends come and go. Others have been blessed of being surrounded by their friends since they were really young. I applaud these people that have hang on to their dear friends for a very long time! But that also mean that these people have not moved out of where they were, unless they just kept on communicating with each other all those years! The generation now is really lucky to have so many new gadgets as a result of technology that has been advancing with no stopping on sight!

Is the new technology really great for us or not? There are some pros and cons. One of the good thing about it is that you can really communicate faster with someone even if they are in Timbuktu! Ha! Ha! Is there such a place as Timbuktu? I do not know! What are you against the new technology? Anyone can see what someone is up to any time of the day! Seems we have lost our freedom to be incognito! Then, this is good...everyone is like a celebrity! Except we do not get paid like a celebrity! That is true! We cannot win, can we? Oh, well.

Anyway, let us go back to our topic....friends. It is nice to have one, don't you think so? Problem is sometimes, we become selfish or gossipy that we lose our friends! How do we hold them? Be yourself and do not repeat any malicious gossips about your friend!

Have a nice weekend!!! May God bless us all!!!

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