Thursday, March 17, 2011

Price Increase!!!

I was going to just talk about price increase on food, but I saw that the increase is not only with food but everything else! I have been talking about this for quite sometime but seems that nobody really cares! Is it because people have more than enough finances or everybody is just tired and cannot do anything about it? Maybe both???

Have you noticed that your money is hard to stretch nowadays? I wonder why?? You wonder why?? No, I am just being sarcastic! Of course, money is very tight nowadays, because everything costs sooooooooo much!! Should we all start to grow our own vegetables? Or raise our own chickens and pigs?? Do they allow to raise livestock in the city? If not, maybe the city officials will allow it since it is expensive to buy meat! Ha! Ha! Ha! Come on...dream on....

Gasoline prices is now $3.55/gallon in Michigan. It is probably higher in California or other states. I do not know...all I know is it is too expensive to fill out the tank! What used to be only $15.00 for every fill up is now $30.00! Ay..ya...yay!!! So, I have been trying to combine all my trips so gasoline is not wasted! Should we all start riding a bicycle??? Oh, oh, I will be in trouble since I do not know how to ride a bike! It is hopeless for me! How about just building up a tricycle??? That is a thought!!! Sounds good, is it not???

Food prices are really high! Have you noticed how much food you can buy for $50.00? Not much nowadays. Meat and chicken has gone up so much over the last few months. You know what we can stock up with today??? Corned beef!! They are on sale since it is St. Patrick's Day! It is cheaper this week! Eggs are also on sale for $1.00 for large eggs at Kroger, so be sure to stock up on that too! I noticed though that the large eggs are the medium eggs of yesteryears!Retailers or manufacturers are cutting down on the size of the items to be able to still sell it low. Have you noticed that too for quite sometime now??? I also noticed that whenever something is on sale, like sugar for $2.69 a bag, people grab it and leave the shelves empty! How about chocolate chips for baking? People are grabbing the sale items and leaving the more expensive brand names on the shelves!

How about clothes? I am not really sure yet because I try not to buy any! But I am sure that it has gone up too since cotton prices have gone up! I think I am getting discouraged and sad on the state of our economy that I am stopping now.

Take care everyone!! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! May God bless us all!!!

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