Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Little Bit Of News

March 13, 2011...start of Daylight Savings Time!!! Did you all changed your time? Remember.. Spring Forward!!! Yes, you got it right, baby, we lost 1 hour of sleep today!!! Feel tired?? Do not worry we will gain that 1 hour back in the Fall! I know! I know! It is a long time from now. Well, kiddo, you cannot do deal with it and stop whining!!!

I feel sooo bad about the 8.9 earthquake/tsunami that devastated Japan the other day. The death toll is reaching 10,000. Hopefully the aftershocks are done and the nuclear plants will be alright! Let us all pray for the Japanese people!

Have you seen the latest kitchen gadgets? My! My! My! To start with...A Toast Stamper!! Goodness gracious!! Would you spend $6.99 for a plastic stamper to stamp some designs on your toast?? Maybe if you have small children to make them eat toast? How about adults? Are you willing to part with your money for a stupid thing like a toast stamper???

Next item, please...A Chef Basket worth $14.99. It starts off flat and expands into a flexible basket that lets you cook, boil or deep fry. You invert it and presto! A steamer is born! It is a neat idea, but who needs another kitchen gadget??

How about a Wowbacon Microwave Bacon Cooker for $23.95? It cooks the bacon in a two compartment container, looks like a pitcher from the picture, the fat draining on the outer compartment. Maybe this one will be good since it will not have the fat splattering all over the microwave and thus paper towels are saved! But isn't that kind of expensive? Well, you are not using paper towels, so is that not savings???

Then there is the Yumbots Robot Cupcake Molds from $19.30. Can you imagine eating robot shaped cupcakes? This will be a fun way to serve cupcakes for birthday parties! Available in red, blue, green and yellow! Are we all running now to get these molds? Heck, no! Not me..I do not need any more extra gadgets on my cupboard!

How about a Pig Cooking Lid that is placed directly on the pot? Steam is released through the pig's snout! Oink! Oink! Sorry, I forgot how much it is since I am not interested.

There are soo many more gadgets but I think I will stop for now! I am not buying anymore kitchen gadgets to use just once and let dust accumulate in it! Thank you very much, but I will hold on to my dollars even though the value has gone down big time!

Lte us take a look at the Extra Virgin Oil. Wowie! It is really outrageously high! A few years ago, I can get a big bottle for $5.00! Now? It is about $10.00!!! Oh, well, I think I have to keep on looking for a sale! Good luck to me finding one!

Talking about extra virgin oil, did you know that there is one with garlic in it? Ummm!!! This will be good for salads. The best part of that is... it is MADE IN THE USA! The name of the company? Sutter Buttes California!! I feel like a spokesperson for this company (lol), but I am trying to buy products only made in America! I hope and pray for our economy that all Americans do the same! Or are we too late? Better late than never! Wow!! That is what I like...a fighting spirit!!! So, come on everybody.....let us pray, buy US made products and keep on trying to help and save America from its spiral downwards!

Have I blabbered enough already? You bet! Okay, I will stop now. Let us all pray for all the people in the world! Let there be world peace!! May God bless everyone and their families reading this blog!

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