Friday, November 5, 2010

Undercover Boss - Chiquita Brand International, 10312010

The feature for this week's Undercover Boss is CEO of Chiquita Brand International, Fernando Aguirre. This is one succes story of an immigrant who worked hard to realize the American dream. He immigrated to the United States at age 17. Chiquita Brand International is based in Cincinnati, Ohio and I did not realized that it also distribute vegetables and other fruits! Did you know that??? I learned something new again today!!!

Fernando Aguirre headed Chiquita since 2004 and brings home more than $7.6 million a year!!!! Wow!!! Does anyone know what a $7.6 million look like??? I do not know about all of you, but wow!!! I do not think I will make that much in my lifetime!!!! Maybe if I win the lotto or something!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Aguirre is also part owner of Cincinnati Reds! Why not, if he could afford it!!!!

Fernando should be thankful that he does not have to do the physical work in his company, because he will be fired just like that!!! He tried his hand operating a fork lift with Fernando to process some banana shipments across the United States making sure the bananas do not get bruised. It took him 3 hours to unload 1 truck, where Fernando can unload 4 trucks in 3 hours!!!! My! My! My! That was very slow!!!! Well, it is his first day at work.... let me see you do it and see how long it will take you!!! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not a forklift operator!!!! Ha! What did Fernando, the forklift operator got as a reward? A new forklift machine!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! That is not a reward!!! That is a reward for the company!!!! Hmmmppphhh!!!! Fernando also received a week long dream vacation for him and his family!!! If I was Fernando, I would have opted for a pay increase, then I could probably afford a vacation with my family every year!!! What do you think, guys????

Aguirre's next stop was with Magic, a young produce dryer operator. This is a fast paced, chilly environment!!! It was a constant barrel changing under the machine. As soon as the barrel was full of the salad, the barrel had to be replaced with an empty barrel!!! Aguirre failed miserably on that one also! Many lettuce ended up on the floor!!! I wonder if the workers just pick those up and end in the supermarket?? And maybe that is why sometimes, there are salmonella bugs on the salad bags??? Hopefully not!!! What was Magic's reward?? Aguirre arranged Magic to be a part of a supervisory training program to eventually become a plant manager, and he will be his personal mentor! He also awarded a $10,000 scholarship fund for his 2 kids!!! I think this is better, but I was just thinking, how about the other people in his company with little kids?? Is he going to give them each a $10,000 scholarship for their kids??? I do not think so!!! That is why, I think this is not fair to everybody in the company. Only the chosen ones get rewarded!!! Not fair!!! What is fair in this crooked world of ours??? Ha! I rest my case!!!

Next was shipping with Anna, who works for Chiquita and does not even like bananas!!! Oh, oh, she is a blabber mouth! If I was her, I would not tell that to anyone!!! She was busted!!!! Aguirre blew this job also!! Anna's reward? An improve computer sysytems, an elevator and a $5,000 donation to a local animal shelter in Anna's name!!! Anna, you fool, Chiquita will get the honors and the tax credit for that!!! Why didn't the CEO just give her a big, fat raise or bonus??? Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!!

Last stop was in the lettuce fields in Salinas, California. This is really a physical, demanding job... bend over to pick the lettuce, core it and put in the conveyor belt in 10 seconds or less! Shucks!!! That was fast! Why can't they slow the conveyor belt a little??? That is cruel!!!! No wonder, it is only migrant workers that wants this job!! Long hours, from 5 in the morning until late at night, with minimum wage??? Ayyayay!!! Leo, the lettuce picker has been doing this for a very long time. He spends 6 months in California and 6 months in Arizona with his family!!! Wow!!! That is what I call a real sacrifice for the family! Leo's reward? Company will pay for all legal fees for him and his family to be an American citizen and a dream vacation for him and his family!!!! Why? How much does it cost to be an American citizen? He was here for a long time, and I am assuming that he entered the country legally. Any comments???

The Undercover Boss is good and dandy, but the only lucky ones to get something from the big boss are the lucky chosen 3 or 4 employees!!! How are these 4 picked??? Do they picked the ones that have the saddest story to tell??? Why can't the big boss give rewards to all of the employees, not only to the chosen 4??? Is that asking too much from CEO'S that are earning outrageous and sinful amounts of money??? Comments, anyone???

Posted by vs at 11/5/2010 9:28 AM | Add Comment

1 comment:

  1. Forklift training machines also provide learners with a realistic experience of operating a forklift. These machines are designed to closely mimic the functions and controls of actual forklifts, allowing learners to become familiar with the equipment and its operation. They can practice various maneuvers, such as picking up and placing loads, navigating tight spaces, and stacking and retrieving pallets. By gaining hands-on experience with training machines, learners can develop the muscle memory and coordination required to operate a forklift effectively. Driving school toronto
