Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving News

Another Thanksgiving Day had gone by.... now we are left with many leftovers!!! What do we do with the left overs, if it was not given away??? It will remain in your refrigerator for a few weeks. How about months of housing in the freezer that will be forgotten until next year??? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are crazy!!! With this economy??? I do not think people will be throwing their left overs!!! It will be re-cycled to create a new dish!!! Like what?? Turkey, make sandwiches or casseroles!! My family do not like turkey, so we have not been serving turkey for a long time. Ham is also one that we do not buy for the holidays. For us, the ham bone is the only thing we want for the pea soup!!! I wonder where we can get ham bones for the soup??? In the garbage!!! Yikes!!! You are sooo gross!!! I do not think so. People use it for pea soup!!! It is sooo yummy!!! Ham is also good for the western omelet, is it not??? If you did not eat turkey and ham, what did you have??? Good old Chinese food.....Chicken fried rice, crispy chicken, cantonese chicken chow mein. We also had barbeque pork in skewers, cheesy potatoes with bacon, cut up vegetables and dip, watergate salad, pumpkin pie with cool whip and oatmeal raisin/chocolate chip cookies!!! Wow!!! That sounds good!!! It was really, really good!!! My family and I were sooo thankful for the blessings we have! I am sure all of you are saying the same thing!!! Now back to reality....

Let us start with the mega mosque. I thought this is no longer going to happen! I was so surprised to see that Sharif El Gamal, the developer for the project, which changed the name to Park 51 project to The Cordoba House, was named one of NBC'S people of the Year!!! Isn't that amazing??? Matt Lauer interviewed him last night and I was amazed to know that he was born to an American mother and an Egyptian father! He is a Muslim, and I almost choked when he said that, "every Muslim is a true Jew and Christian, because Islam considers itself to be the true, corrected version of Judaism and Christianity." Either he is a fool or a liar to say that or he does not know his religion!!! And to top it all, he is asking for a $5 million grant from the United States government to help finance the building of the mega mosque!!! Isn't that ludicrous??? Enough of this, it just makes me soooo mad!@!!

Next item... Seniors. Medicare benefits for senior will be cut down, and some doctors will no longer accept Medicare patients. Medicare is cutting payments to doctors by 23 % starting December 1st to keep Medicare spending on doctors in line with the economy's overall growth rate. The retirement age will go up to 67 in 2027!!! Yikes!!! People will not get the break they deserve after working all those years!!! Plus benefits will be lowered to wealthy retirees and will trim the annual cost of living!!! What do you mean??? Seniors are upset because for 2 years now, there is no cost of living allowance, while the government workers will be given a substantial increase across the board!!! Go figure the madness of this!!! Did you know that there was over 1.5 million that filed for bankcrupty this year, and there are many seniors included in the statistics!!! With the cost of living, health care costs and low income, I can see why!!! This is not right, don't you all agree???

How about North Korea provoking war with South Korea??? That is not good!!! I did not know that there are many American soldiers stationed in South Korea??? North Korea attacked South Korea last Tuesday, but South Korea did not respond with a counterattack! South Koreans did not like that their government was too soft. As a result, their country's defense minister resigned last Thursday!!! And where was the North Korean president? President and son were busy touring a soy sauce factory and a medical school!!! My! My! My! I think that was good that the South stayed calm and cool. They are being cautious that it will not escalate!!! They have to be applauded. Let us all pray for North and South Korea that they will have peace!!!

I have to touch on the General Motors being public, with the initial offering of $33.00. Whatever happened to the die hard GM stock holders when they were dead??? The stockholders were pushed under the carpet, so to speak! GM changed the old GM name to MTLQQ, and you know what??? It is not worth anything!!!! Only a few cents!!! What happened, GM??? You should not have penalized the people that has stocks from you that did not leave you!!! Boo...hoo... to you!!! Don't you get it??? This is a greedy, hard core company that does not care with anybody!!!

I think I have enough bad news for this glorious day. I will shift my blog to ....Black Friday!!!! Where did Black Friday originate? Per Wikipedia, it originated in Philadelphia in 1966, and indicates the period where retailers are turning profits, hence, "in the black." It is the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest retail shopping day of the year. It is the start of the Christmas shopping!!!! I cannot believe that people really set up camp outside of stores to go shopping at the wee hours of the day, amid the rain and cold weather!!! What are they trying to buy??? Electronics which probably was slashed quite a bit!!! The only thing about these sales, you go there, wait for hours to go in the store, only to find out that there are only 3 or 4 with that price!!! The stores will lure you to come in... and once you are there, you might settle for a higher priced item and buy more things that you really do not need!!! An impulse buying!!! Do you get a raincheck?? Maybe, maybe not!!! If you get one, you will be lucky to get it. Sometimes, you keep coming back to the store only to find out that they still do not have it!!! And after so many trips, you just get tired and throw the raincheck away!!! Any comments??? I do not know where these people get the money to buy and buy... With nearly 15 million unemployed, or around 9.6 %, you would think that people will be apprehensive to spend their money this Christmas!!! With the higher taxes looming ahead of us, I am not sure if we should really part with our hard earned dollars!!! I know, I know!!! We should help the economy!!! That is easy to say...but who is helping our individual economy??? I rest my case!!!!

May God bless us all!!! Have a nice weekend!!!!

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