Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween, Trick or Treat

It is Halloween time again!!! Trick or treat.... Time to get out your treats for the little ones and those not too little. Halloween is an annual holiday observed on October 31st in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and United Kingdom. It is unknown in other parts of the world. It is also called All Hallows' Eve or All Saints' Eve. Halloween is thought to be the day when the dead can return to the earth.

Halloween typically is linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin, pronounced sow-an or sow-in,. The name is derived from old Irish and roughly means "summer's end." I guess that makes sense since summer has ended and winter is almost here! Wow! I learned something new again today!! Do you think you are sooo smart??? No, just a smart aleck!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Thank Mr. Wikipedia!!!! Why Mr.?? Is it a he, not a she??? Who cares??? Plus it is easier to type Mr. and sounds better!!! That is discrimination!!! For heaven's sake...stop it! Let us go back to Halloween, okay???

Did you know that Halloween is the second largest commercial holiday in the United States, Americans spending $6.9 billion annually?? I can see that since people buy lots and lots of candies, chocolates, chips and other treats! Do not forget the costumes children use to go trick or treat and the costumes that adults use for Halloween parties!!!! How about the dentist? I wonder if there is a rise in dentist's visits after Halloween??? Any comments???

There used to be many children trick or treating, but for the last 2 or 3 years, the trick or treaters has dwindled down. I do not blame the parents for not letting the kids go from house to house, because there are some wackos around that does something bad to the treats! There are also a rise of malls giving out treats and parties for children so they do not have to go out! But it was sooo much fun to see the children in their costumes... some very pretty, some original and some that truly scared the heck out of me!!! Oh, well, gone are those safe, merry days.

Some houses even have decorations that is unbelievable and very scary!! My gosh, these people are really going though the roof scaring people in front of their houses!!! I guess the homeowners get a kick out of that, and passersby oggles at the haunted decorations!! How about the haunted house where you pay? That is really scary too!!! I cannot believe that we pay just to be scared!!! Isn't people weird??? And you are one of them!!! I went once to a haunted house, and I got really scared even though I know that it was fake. I held on to one of my companion's shirt as if I was hanging on to my dear life!!! Unbelievable!!! You are really a nincompoop!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

How about the jack o lantern that people carve out of pumpkins??? Some are very artistic and pretty. I leave that one alone, because I tried once but it looked terrible!!! Then that is good, it scared people!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are crazy!!!!

Are you turning the porch lights on or off?? Are you prepared to give out treats??? Or are you giving out tricks??? Have a safe and Happy Halloween, everyone!!!!

Posted by vs at 10/31/2010 10:22 AM | Add Comment

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