Saturday, May 1, 2010

One World Government

One world Government! Has anyone heard anything about it? I have since the 90's. I dismissed it and thought that it is nonsense, that there will never be and can never be a government that will rule everyone on all corners of the world. Did you know that the newly appointed Eastern European Council President Herman Van Rompuy admitted that the G20 and Copenhagen Climate Summit are a part of creating the one world government? This will be a dream come true by dictators!!! I hope to God that it will not materialize in the near future, if this is indeed true!What is G20? It was created in 1999 by the finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries. The 19 countries consist of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States! The EU ( European Nation) is the 20th member who is represented by an appointed, not elected, rotating council president and the European central bank. Their purpose is to discuss key issues in the global economy! There is also a plan for a North American Community or Union which will include USA, Mexico and Canada. What will happen to the identity of each nation??? It will be gone forever.... no more national flags and symbols!!! It is hard to imagine that this will exist. How hard is it to rule the world??? I do not know, but the United Nations is also implicated . We will lose our constitution and freedom that we all love sooo dearly!!! Do you think the one world government is here??? Maybe, maybe not. Do you think this has something to do with America's rapid descent??? Look around you... the once glorious and magnificent world power is losing control!!! Then why are the religious, Christian leaders do not do anything?? They are afraid!!! Afraid of what? Losing their airtime on public radio and television, afraid of repercussions to them!!! Can you blame them??? Of course not! They also need to survive! Hopefully in time, they will wake up from their sleep. But when that time comes, hopefully, it is not too late!!!!From what I heard, the new world order is rapidly progressing, especially with the recent world economic upheaval! There are well known and very powerful world figures that are being implicated in this new world order, that is determined to take the world in a new level!!! Who are they??? I cannot believe that Barack Obama is one of them!! Why would he be involved in this nonsense? He is already the president of a world power, and everything he says, people from all over the world listens??? Do you believe he is into this? The other names are Javier Solana of EU, Prince Charles of Wales, Queen Beatrix of Netherlands, the daughter of Prince Bernhard who is the founder of the Bilderberg group, and Prince Hassam of Jordan, the head of the Club of Rome. These are very powerful and elite group of individuals! What would they gain from controlling the whole world??? I do not know! Do you??? Do you think it is imminent? I do not know, but do you want to lose everything that our forefathers worked sooo hard to gain our freedom? If this ever happens, which I hope is just a mere speculation or nonsense, God help each and everyone of the citizens of the world, on all four corners of the world!!
Posted by vs at 5/1/2010 8:26 AM Add Comment

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