Monday, May 31, 2010

Eyeglasses or Contact Lens

Which would you prefer: eyeglasses or contact lens? That is a good question This really depends on the person. Some people cannot be bothered by putting something to their eyes. They think that the cleaning and the orgy of putting the contacts on your eyes is tedious! Any comments on this? Yes, you called it orgy. Isn't that a sexy word? I do not care, it seems okay to use. Oh, well.
Both eyeglasses and contact lens have the same purpose, to correct defective vision! Eyeglasses are mounted in frames with lenses in front of your eyes, while contacts are placed right on the cornea. Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was credited for the sketching and describing the first contact lens, but it was not until 300 years later when the contact lens was fabricated? My, my, my.... you are sooo smart. I didn't know that you knew that! Ha! Ha! Ha! Internet, my, friend! Nowadays, you will know something by just the click of your fingers!!!! That's modern technology, for you!!!! Chuckle. Chuckle.....
Let us see what the differences are between eyeglasses and contacts. I will just list a few, eyeglasses are uncomfortable, the frame slipping costantly on your nose whilch you do not worry with contacts. You get poor peripheral vision with eyeglasses while you get the entire field of view with contacts. Eyeglasses fog up with changes in temperature while contacts do not! I wonder if there is someone out there who can place a wiper on eyeglasses???? A wiper on glasses???? Are you nuts??? Why not?? When you are out there during wintertime, the snow drifts on your face that you cannot see! If you have wipers on your eyeglasses, just start it and bingo!!!! Snow or fog is gone!!!! You are out of your mind!!!! Just take tissues, and wipe it clean!!! It will be cheaper!!!! Any takers for building wipers on eyeglasses??? Crazy, crazy, crazy!!!! That is sooo hilarious and insane!!!! Wipers on your eyeglasses!!! Only you can think of something as absurd as that!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I thought of something else, with eyeglasses... fashionable and inexpensive sunglasses are not an option, whereas with contacts, you can choose any of the designer, affordable sunglasses on the market!!! To the last one, I say amen! How true!!!! When I bought my pair of eyeglasses, I opted for a prescription sunglass. That was a big mistake! True, it was nice, I can see outside and inside, but I wanted a larger frame which I cannot find, hence I reluctantly settled for one. Yes, selections are very limited with prescription glasses, and they are soooo darn expensive. I paid an arm and a leg for it!!!! I could just have contacts made and purchased a designer sunglass that is one third of the cost of the presciption sunglass. What was I thinking??? Yup, it is better off getting contacts and purchasing the sunglasses of your dreams!!! And the selections are sooo many!!!
I think the contact lens is better. You can see better, and the deterioration of your eye is slower. The cleaning and upkeep of the contact lens is peanuts! Once you learn the technique, it is next to nothing! Just clean the contacts, flop it on your eyes, put on your coveted designer sunglasses, and presto! you are out on the world!
So, there you go guys, will it be eyeglasses or contacts for you?????
Posted by vs at 5/31/2010 8:56 AM Add Comment

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