Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The new Bachelorette season just started last night! Who was the new bachelorette? None other than Ali Fedotowsky, who chose her career over Jake Pavelka of the last season's Bachelor show!I was amazed to see her as the new bachelorette. Why?? Because on the Bachelor show, she had to choose between work and love! She chose her work because if she did not, she will not have a job! Then, did she quit her job? She announced on the start of the show that she quit her job, and gave up her apartment! Wow!!! She must be really hungry for love!!! LOL.
What will she do for day to day existence???? Hmmmmm.... Do not worry about her! Do you not think??? She exchanged her meager job to be on the television show!!!! Besides probably being offered a lot of money, she can go on numerous dates worlwide, kiss a lot and make out with a lot of men!! Phewie!!!! Isn't that enough incentives to quit her job? How about the numerous appearances on the other shows? I just hope that Ali uses some kind of protection! She would not want to come down with a venereal disease!!! You are gross!!! Well, they can do a lot of things inside the house because there are some rooms that does not have a television camera!!! Do not forget the saying, " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" Please stop!! You are soo silly!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are just jealous because she will be kissing a lot, and you are not!!! I hope she does not end up with monkey lips or infectious mononucleosis!!!! Wowie! That is a big word! And you nailed it!!!! You are sooo stupid!!!! Enough of this nonsense!!!
I am sure that what Ali will make in 10 years on her old job is only a year on the television show!!! Do you guys agree with me??? Of course!!! Ali keeps saying that she gave up a lot to be on the show!!! Boo Hooo!!! Give her plenty of tissues to wipe her tears!!! Ya, right!!! At the same time that Ali is saying that, on her way to the bank, she is probably laughing and is saying," Wait till you see how much I am making for this show. Suckers!!! Ha! Ha! Ha." Hence, I will watch her but I do not pity her one iota!!! Am I cold? Not really, I am just telling the truth!!!!
I will not deny that she is pretty, and all 25 men went crazy for her! Some men even did some crazy acrobatic backflip from the top of the limousine to grab her attention! Show off!!! It is a good thing that he did not break his neck or something!!! Did it work for that guy? Maybe, I forgot who that was. Did anybody see the show last night? Did the backflip guy get a rose? He should have received a rose last night with such a crazy, stupid, dangerous stunt he did!!!
Ali was on seventh heaven last night. She was all gigly and very happy! Who would not be, with 25 men vying for her affection and she is the center of it all!!! It seems though that she is not comfortable. Wait for a few more episodes and after the 2 or 3 kissing scenes and Voila! She will emerge from her coccoon!!!! Any bets??? As soon as she entered the room, the men started to compete with her attention, a guy singing and playing the ukelele, and someone dancing the Salsa with her!!! Anything to stand out and be recognized! Right, guys???
Who received the first impression rose? Roberto, an insurance agent from Charleston, South Carolina. He was the one who danced the Salsa with Ali! I think Ali was immediately drawn to Roberto ever since he stepped out of the limousine? Why? Because he looked exotic, different than the other guys!!! Looks can be deceiving?? It remains to be seen! Tune in on the next episode of the.... Bachelorette!!!!!
How about the guy that got the most votes from the men for elimination? Many of the men did not think he was on the show for the right reason! Justin, an entertainment wrestler from Toronto, was saved by none other than Ali! Justin alienated many men because of the answers he gave defending his job!!! He came to the show with a broken foot!!! What does that have to do with that? Nothing, but maybe Ali pitied him so was given a rose and thus, saved from elimination!!!! I would have love to see Craig, the guy with a lot of hair go!!! He seems to be too smug!!! By the way, is the hair real, or just a toupee??? Anyone???? You are crazy!! Just because someone has lots of hair does not mean that it is not real. Well, just see for yourself, then you will say that I am right!!!!
What is it with Canadians? There were a lot of them that joined the show. Is there a shortage of beautiful women in Canada??? Oh, oh, Canadians, I like you, please do not get mad with me. It is just that there were quite a bit of men from Canada last night!!! You know what, there must be some pretty women there, Jillian, the last bachelorette was from Canada! How come she did not meet any nice looking, eligible bachelors from there? She had to go to good ole USA to meet her men of her dreams??? Hmmmmm..... Any Canadians care to answer? Just wondering.......
Posted by vs at 5/25/2010 8:57 AM Add Comment

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