Friday, December 19, 2014


Wow! My 40 days fasting from meat, eggs, dairy products ( including cheese ) before Christmas will soon come to an end on December 24th. I could not believe I have lasted this long without meat, eggs and dairy products. It was not too hard fasting from meat but not with cheese and milk. Almond milk cannot replace the real milk, as far as I am concern. I found out too that I can resist the temptation. Why do I say that? One time, I woke up with the smell of bacon, and when I saw the plate of bacon, I took the plate...just brought the plate of bacon close to my nose, sniffed it ( like a dog! Ha! Ha! Ha!), and put it down without even touching it! I did really good!

Hummus, pita bread, garlic sauce, almond milk, pasta,and margarine  have been my best friend for the last 19 days! I even learned how to make a cake with no eggs, and it turned really, really good! I learned what to substitute the eggs with and I was really susprised how yummy the cake was. Can you believe I made it twice already, but the cake was different from the first time since I tried a different formula for the egg substitute the second time. Nevertheless, it was still delicious!!!

Did I lose some weight on my journey? Not really, since I was able to find junk food that conforms to the fasting. Did you know that? And besides, I have been eating a lot of carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice and  potatoes.

I was able to eat and taste vegetables that I did not know exist, like kale and Swiss chard. Did you know that you can make kale chips. I did not know that until my journey.

What a journey this is! Will I do it again? Maybe, and maybe the second time around, I can eat better and not just carbohydrates!

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