Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We just have a few hours before 2014 comes to an end, and we usher in 2015, a new year. Everyone all over the world are anticipating the dawning of a new year that will be better than last year. For some..a better job, a better home, and for others, maybe...better finances, reconciliation with others, just to name a few.

What do I hope and pray for 2015? First of all, I hope for PEACE, not only here in the United States , but the whole world. How do we accomplish that? Any suggestions or comments? I believe that everyone should ask God's help by praying. Prayers really help, and if all of us pray, then maybe, God will have mercy and grant us peace.

The next thing I hope for 2015...cessation of abortion here and abroad. I just hope and pray that people will realize that abortion is not a good thing, killing helpless babies.

Another thing I hope for is for the people to go back to God. We eliminated Him from our schools, public places and our lives. See what is going on around us....need I say more? Our country will be a better place if we put Him back in our lives.

There are other things I hope and pray for 2015 for myself, everyone, and the world, but it will be very long that before I know it, we have already welcomed 2015, so I will stop.

What do you hope and pray for 2015?

Wishing all a safe, happy, healthy, prosperous and blessed New Year!


Friday, December 19, 2014


Wow! My 40 days fasting from meat, eggs, dairy products ( including cheese ) before Christmas will soon come to an end on December 24th. I could not believe I have lasted this long without meat, eggs and dairy products. It was not too hard fasting from meat but not with cheese and milk. Almond milk cannot replace the real milk, as far as I am concern. I found out too that I can resist the temptation. Why do I say that? One time, I woke up with the smell of bacon, and when I saw the plate of bacon, I took the plate...just brought the plate of bacon close to my nose, sniffed it ( like a dog! Ha! Ha! Ha!), and put it down without even touching it! I did really good!

Hummus, pita bread, garlic sauce, almond milk, pasta,and margarine  have been my best friend for the last 19 days! I even learned how to make a cake with no eggs, and it turned really, really good! I learned what to substitute the eggs with and I was really susprised how yummy the cake was. Can you believe I made it twice already, but the cake was different from the first time since I tried a different formula for the egg substitute the second time. Nevertheless, it was still delicious!!!

Did I lose some weight on my journey? Not really, since I was able to find junk food that conforms to the fasting. Did you know that? And besides, I have been eating a lot of carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice and  potatoes.

I was able to eat and taste vegetables that I did not know exist, like kale and Swiss chard. Did you know that you can make kale chips. I did not know that until my journey.

What a journey this is! Will I do it again? Maybe, and maybe the second time around, I can eat better and not just carbohydrates!

Monday, December 1, 2014

DECEMBER 1, 2014

I was just informed by twitter that today is my 4th! Time flies when you have fun! Hip! Hip! Hooray! Does that make me an expert on tweets? An expert on social media? Of course not! It is really amazing how I was able to do tweeting with my pecking on the keyboard...of course I can do it with tweets, after all, one is only allowed 140 words! 

Can you believe it is already December 1st? We have 24 more days until Christmas, and I have 24 more days until I can eat again meat and dairy products. Why? It is a 40 days fast from meat and dairy products ( and that includes cheese, butter etc...) in preparation for Christmas, the same as in Lent. I tell you, being a meat,cheese, egg and butter lover, it is very hard to stick to it. I'm almost tempted when I see scrambled eggs, sausage, steak and other delicious meat dishes in front of me. I hope I can last with the abstinence for 24 more days!

Have a great day, everyone! May God bless all of us!!!


Sharing: Thanksgiving address to the nation, courtesy of Tim Wildmon, President, AFA....Happy Thanksgiving to all!