Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today is a sad day for all Americans. It has been 10 years ago on September 11, 2001 at 8:42 am that horrific event unfolded. It has been an agonizing disaster that everyone in America will never forget and will forever be etched on everybody's mind.

Have we all changed? Do I think everybody changed? I am not really sure, but I think everyone has become vigilant and fearful of everything! Why is that? Well, for one thing, no one knows when a calamity like this will happen again! Heaven forbids but I do hope & pray that we will not see anything again as horrific as this!

Has our country changed? Our country has definitely changed! Look at all our surroundings....there is a surveillance camera all over the the airport, work place, streets, etc, etc...Seem because of the 9/11, we have ceased to become a democratic country! Sure, we all can still go around our business, but our democratic way of life is changing! Don't you all agree??? It is really sad that after all these years, America that we love is a different country!

Could 9/11 be prevented? Were there people that knew what was coming but ignored it? It seems that with all of the sophisticated technology that we have, that it could have been prevented, is it not? Who knows? Only God knows! And whoever did this will answer to Him on his last day!

Why was the 10th year memorial without any prayers or clergy? That was sooo sad...are we not a nation under God?? I really do not know why the mayor of New York City did that! I really think that some of our countrymen have lost it! They do not want to mention God! That is what the problem is in our country..we have become a country without faith....that is why God's wrath is upon us. Look at all the things happening all around us...earthquakes, fire, floods, etc, etc....We, as a nation should try to re-establish our relationship with God. We should put back prayer and God in our daily lives. Without God, our country will be in a mess, which we are already. Can we, as a nation, go back to being the greatest democratic nation on earth? Only with God's help. And every citizen of the United States should unite in prayer because it cannot be done with just a few. So, how about it? Let's start to put God back in our lives. Who knows, maybe our country will turn around for the better, the one world government will not go through as planned, and there will be world peace!

God bless America! May God bless us all!!!

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