Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, 2011

Happy New Year to all!!! The year 2011 is now here!! Any different about it? Not really...seems liked just another day that came! I completely disagree with you! It came amidst fanfare, revelry and preparation by many people from all over the world!! You mean you did not prepare for it? Well, just a little...cooked some food to eat for midnight when the clock struck 12 to herald the New Year!! See...everybody was eager for 2010 to end!

Why was everyone ready for 2011? It is a new day... a new year full of hope for many, many people! When 2011 ushered in, people are praying that 2011 will be a better year....with regards to unemployment, housing, health care and economy! How? It cannot be done just takes time! Well, maybe if the government work together regardless of their party affiliation, then, maybe, all the problems that this country has will be resolved!

Let us take a look at the economy. People were willing to help the economy! Look at the number of people that spent money during Christmas! It sure was very impressive indeed! But how about unemployment? That is still something to be desired! Unemployment is still high! Jobs are still being outsourced because of the cheap labor in other countries! Then how are the unemployed going to get jobs? I do not know...we need a miracle to have jobs for the unemployed! How about housing? I heard that there were many people that applied for a mortgage last month! If you have money, this is the best time to buy a house because there are a lot of houses that are sold with bargain prices!

Since 2011 is the year before the presidential election, then 2011 should be a booming year for everyone! After all, the politicians would be wooing the public so they can get their names in the positive side of the people! Am I right or what? But what will that do? The government cannot spend more money since they already have billions of debts! Print more money? Which comes to my mind...why is it that the government can just print money? If an individual did that, they will be arrested? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are nincompoop! Those are two different things! Besides the US dollar is the world money reserve, that is why they can print money anytime they want! Is that right?? Comments, anyone??

The US dollar though is going down in value, that is the reason why other countries are now trying to use their money for trading! If the value of the dollar is down, wouldn't that be good? Why? People would come To the United States to buy products since their money will be worth more! There will also be more tourists coming, is it not? That is sooo true! That is good and dandy for the outsiders, but how about the locals? Food prices are soo outrageous..will people be able to afford to buy groceries??? There ned to be something done so people would be able to afford the necessities in life!

How about gas? That is another story! Gasoline prices are on average $3.09/ gallon! That is outrageous! I think this will prevent many people to travel! Well, it is not only the gas prices that is preventing people to travel. What do you mean? How about the groping and scanning of TSA's in the airports??? People's comcerns have died down....they just do not travel! Why? Has there been a decline of air travelers? I do not know but I think people should not travel by air so the TSA will change their groping and scanning of passengers! Comments, please!!

Well, well, well, there was quite a long list of issues from 2010, is it not? Do you think it will be resolved for the better for 2011?? We all should just keep praying to God to bless and turn everything ugly in America to a beautiful and compassionate place to live! Let us all be a bunch of optimists for a better America!!!

God bless America and all of us!!!

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