Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fashion 2011

Fashion 2011. You are really going to talk about fashion? Are you a fashionista? Are you a fashion police? Are you a model or a fashion designer? In my own way, I am all of the above! Wow! You are sooo daring to say that! Do you go out all dolled up? No, I am comfortable with my jeans and sweats! Mama mia!!!! The fashion police will be after you! Oh, well, this is a free country, sort of...I can do what I want to do with clothes and I can say what I want to say, is it not? You are right! Sock it to us! Sigh!!!

Guess what is being added to the usual animal prints of zebra, leopard, cheetah and snake prints? Peacock! Wow! I think that can be really exciting and glamorous! Peacocks are very pretty and colorful birds! Can you just imagine wearing peacock feather headbands, peacock earrings and peacock prints? My goodness, if you do that, you will really be the talk of a party or gathering! Let them be...they are just jealous because they do not have peacock paraphernalia! LOL. You got that right, babe!

How about the color for 2011? I would prefer red, but what is it? Honeysuckle! It is reddish pink. Is that the same honeysuckle flower that has a sweet, edible nectar that I used to gather and sip? Yes, it is! Great! It is then still red color! Yipee!!!! I do not have to buy any honeysuckle clothes!!! Excuse me, it is reddish pink, not red! It is in the same family! Gosh! I cannot win with you! Move on to the next agenda!

Pants! The bell bottoms are back! Goodness gracious..I disposed of those a long time ago! Well, it is good, it would not fit you anyway! Who said? You! got me there! Ha! Ha! One point for you! Together with the bell bottoms goes the high waists. So, goodbye to skinny jeans? Not really. I like both kinds..skinny pants and wide leg pants. It does not matter whether I am following the fashion or not....I will wear it if I like it! Do you have a problem with that? Oh, Oh, Testy! Testy! Testy!

How about skirts? Say sayonara to mini comes full skirt! Well, well well, no more peeps for the guys! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Shoes? Say bye bye to sky high heels and welcome to kitten heels! I really am not sure how women can walk and be gracious with those sky high heels! It looks good but it seems really hurtful to dear old feet! Any comments?

How about eyeglasses? Cat eye glasses from the 50's and 60's are back! I did not have any. I do not know but I just did not like it! Speaking of eyeglasses, there is a new eyeglass for people that need bifocal or trifocal. There are no lines and you can just adjust your focus at the side! It will probably cost an arm and a leg! Ingenious, whoever invented this. Sounds good!

Pajama jeans. That is out! Too bad, I have not even bought any. What is it? It has a denim look and soft feel of cotton and spandex. You can sleep on it, roll out of bed and go out shopping! Yuck! Would that be too smelly? Are we becoming lazy people that we do not even want to change our clothes when we go out? Or is it the sign of the times that people do not really care about anything anymore? Maybe. But please do not go to that subject...we are talking about fashion, nothing else! Got it? Okay!

There you go folks. Are we ready to go shopping for the latest fashion???? Or we will just stay with our old clothes???? The choice is is only Saturday! There is plenty of time to go shopping! What are you? A spokesperson for the stores? You wish! Ha! Ha! Ha! I just want to help the economy rolling! Oh, well.

Have a nice weekend, and may God bless all of us!

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