Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Doom & Gloom Predictions

Many predictions have surfaced at the end of 2010...continuing to 2011. Are these true or just rumors? Does not really know...but hope they are only rumors!

America has more debts than anyone in the whole world! US government can just print money when they want since it owns the world's reserve currency! What will happen when the US loses the reserve currency status?? All of the prices for everything will soar! Heaven forbids! There are already a few countries that are no longer using the dollar for trading, instead they are using their own currencies! A group of us were discussing this and everyone thought that the Americans are wise and savvy with regards to money, so this will not happen! Any comments concerning this?

There is a prediction that the housing market will continue to fall! How much lower can it fall? Is it like the limbo stick that cannot fall any lower, otherwise no one can go through! Ay..ya..yay! Here she goes with her limbo rock! Heaven forbids that this happens...no one can afford it to fall much lower!

How about the stock market? It is also a gloomy prediction. A gloomy prediction too for the unemployment, homelessness and economy! Is it true that the US has the second highest corporate tax in the world? The higher tax is because of the government regulations., and not because of labor! What can be done about this? That is for the economists and experts to figure out! Is it true that more than 10 % of the US population is now on food stamps? That is over 40 million people! Yikes! That is really sad....very sad!

What can we as citizens do? Pray...pray...pray....Prayers really help! Miracles do exist! Rumor or not, it will not be bad to pray for our country to overcome all its problems and turn around to make this nation a great place to live once again with freedom and justice to all!

Have a great day! may God bless us all!

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