Wednesday, June 10, 2015


How did hump day for Wednesday originate? Where did it start? Who started it? OMG! You ask a lot of questions!!! If you are so inquisitive, why don't you research it?  I can't. Why not? Well...look at what time it is....10:30 at night...too late...I need my beauty sleep. My! My! My! What beauty sleep? You are already past that, missy! Yikes! You hurt my feelings! What? Do you have that? He! He! He! I am sorry but I could not resist. Back to my subject...

Why can't Wednesday be called...the pinnacle day?  Too deep of a word!  How about the hill? That does not sound too good, besides you need to say top of the hill...too many words! How about the peak? Peak of what? Someone must have seen a camel and started to utter that word. +Hump day sounds a sleazy, sexy word. It must have originated from a man! Why do you say that? Man usually have a dirty mind that belongs to the gutter. Have you ever heard a woman say anything sleazy or dirty? Of course not! There you go! I rest my case! Okay, does anyone know who, what, where, how the hump day originated for Wednesday? 

On the other hand, it just sounds fitting to call it the hump day, because it is the middle of the work week, Monday to Friday. Workers start to climb on Monday and Tuesday and reaches the top of the hill or the peak and start their descent on Thursday and Friday to reach the weekend. That makes sense, does it not? Yes it does, but how about those that have different work days that include Saturdays and Sundays? Then the third day of their work week will be the hump day! How about those that work seven days a week, what is their hump day? The fourth day? Wow! What did I started? I was talking about the normal, regular people that work on Monday to Friday. Do you mean that the other people are not normal? No, that is not what I mean. Help, somebody help me! Ha! Ha! Ha! Goodness gracious, I give up. Why did I even blog about this? Because you are nincompoop! Wow! I have not used that word for a long time! Thank you! 

Well, well, well, two more days people, and it is all fun! fun! fun! Sorry, but why wait for the week end to have fun?  Because you can sleep late the next day! Any other questions? Then let us call it quits since it is getting late. Take care and good night!!!

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