Monday, June 20, 2011

Doctor's Office Visit

Do you like going to the doctor? Do you dread going to the doctor? How long do you have to wait before you are called in? How long is your consultation with the doctor? These are all very good questions.

Went to the doctor for a visit. Following me to the doctor's office was an irate patient who came on Saturday and the office was closed. The receptionist tried to explain in vain. It was a good thing another patient in waiting started a conversation with the irate patient. Pretty soon, we were entertained by the woman, and within 10 minutes we know some of her family's life stories. That is it! Doctor's offices should have an entertainer! Ya! Wishful thinking! I did not even know that I have been waiting for a half hour!

Once inside the examining room, I waited for another 20 minutes before I saw the doctor which only took 10 minutes! Then I was left in the room for another 10 minutes before blood was drawn from me! I saw the doctor for another 5 minutes and then it was sayonara! Ya, baby! My waiting was longer than my actual consultation with the doctor! Is there something that can be done? Anyone???

Oh, well....we all have to have patience....right?? After all, patience is a virtue!!!!

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