Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012

As we are nearing the end of 2012, let us reflect on the things that have happened and changed the history of our country. Are all the changes for the better?  No, I do not think so!!  Gone are those days that we are free to speak and do what is on our mind.  We have become a country of fear!  Fear of what?  It seems of everything! The only thing that we should fear is the wrath of God!!  That is right!  God's wrath!!

Have you noticed how we have become a God-less country?  How could God be in our schools, since we have ejected Him in our schools??  We have even ejected God from everywhere, even in our hearts!  That is why America has been getting many, many calamities one after another!  We, as a nation, should pray and ask God for forgiveness.  Maybe, only a maybe, God might change His Heart and change the course of events that will happen or will be happening to our dear country.

Everyone is talking about the looming " FISCAL  CLIFF."  So far, our so called "ELECTED OFFICIALS" are doing nothing to save our country and its citizens!  Do you think these so called" ELECTED OFFICIALS" or should I call them the " CLOWNS IN WASHINGTON? " give a damn about all of us??? Of course not!!  All they worry about are their " BIG, FAT POCKETBOOKS!"  Incidentally, all the federal workers, including the vice president just got a " BIG PAY RAISE."  And what do we get?  BIG TAX HIKES COME JANUARY 1,  2013! Ya, Baby, a big tax hike!!!!  This tax hike is not only the result of the fiscal cliff but also from the OBAMACARE!  There are soooo many taxes that will be imposed as a result of OBAMACARE that it is not even funny!  Example: tax brackets will go up... if you are in the 10 % bracket, it will change to 15 %, 25% will chenge to 28 % and so forth.  Marriage penalty will return; capital gains will rise from 15 % to 23.8 %; Dividends tax will rise from 15% to 43.4% because of scheduled rate hikes plus Obamacare investment surtax. I can go on and on about the tax hikes but it will take me a very long time and I cannot type good and fast.  Why not? Oh. Puhleaze do not get me started plus I do not feel that I can joke with all of these looming on our heads!  So, sorry!!!  Anyway, to make a long story short, there are 20 new or higher taxes in Obamacare!!!  And we are going to also get taxes from the fiscal cliff???  Yikes!!!  What do we have left for food and bills???  Well, guys, those who voted for our officials, this is what they want for Americans!  For distribution of wealth and for Americans to be poor!  Unless there will be a miracle that the government officials we voted will change their hearts and be more compassionate towards the American people. After all, isn't the government for the people????  I do believe in miracles.  Do  You???

It is almost 2013.  What is my wish for 2013???  I should say, what are my wishes for 2013???

World Peace!!!

Our elected officials will change for the better and keep the citizens in their hearts & minds for a better future of our country!

That God will come back in everybody's hearts and be back in public places. 

The complete elimination af abortion in America and the whole world!

For the safety and intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict.

That 2013 will be a better year for all!!!   May God bless all of us!

Have a safe, happy and blessed New Year!!


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