Saturday, May 7, 2016


It is Mother's Day!!!  Quick....everyone, give your mother a big kiss and a big hug!!! Treat her to a nice dinner, movie, party that she deserve. But, come to think of it, every mother deserve to be treated nice not only on mother's day but everyday, don't you all think so? Our mothers gave us life and unconditional love. She will always do everything for us and make sacrifices for us. Need I say more?

Mothers are confidants, best friends, drivers, cooks, doctors, clowns, secretaries, to name a few. She is always willing to lend an ear and a helping hand no matter what. 

Please do not neglect your mothers while still on her, respect her, care for her....after all, you only have one mother who loves you dearly.

I really miss my mother...she was a pillar in our family and helped all of us. She and my father helped us become of what we are today. Thank you Mang for everything! I love you sooooo much and I miss you sooooo much!!!! 

Happy Mother's Day to all!!!  May God bless all mothers!!!