Sunday, May 14, 2017


May is Mother's day! Wake up everyone......give your mother hugs and kisses. Can you believe it is already the fifth month of the year? Time flies! It really flies! To where? Uh, oh...are you trying to be a smart aleck again? It takes one to know one!!!  Ha! Ha! Ha!  Got ya!!!Kidding aside, you are again deviating from your subject! And the point is? There is no point, silly! We should just talk about Mother's Day! Oh, alright then.

What are you going to do for your mother? Going to the movies? Going to a restaurant? Or just hanging out with her? Flowers, chocolates, clothes, jewelry, cake???  Do mothers really care if she gets a present or not? What does everyone think? What are you talking about?? Do you think mothers would like gifts or just a warm embrace, a warm hug or a kiss? Woohooo!!! That is so sweet!!! You are going to make me throw up! How about a nice errand or just do something nice for her? Like what? about doing the laundry, cleaning, cooking etc...etc..the list is endless.  Oh, my! Wow! Stop! Do not be carried away. Sounds like , what you need is a maid!!! Hehehehe......Ooooppppsssie........

What do you do if your mother is far away? Call her, greet's only a phone away.....sounds like a song. Really, this is one day especially dedicated for our mother to show her how much you appreciate her and all the things she has done for you. It is a time to tell her how much you love and care for her and without her, you would not become what you are today. are going to make me cry! You are sooooo bad!  Why can't you tell her you love her?  Because some families were not raised to show emotions!  It's about time to change that! After all, life is short. We all have to be more affectionate and loving with each other. Yes, madam!! 

Go on, do something nice for your mother today.  Let her enjoy the day that is reserved for her. She deserves a very special recognition....that is too is only one day in a year!  May everyone continue to shower their mothers with love not only today but throughout the year!!

Happy Mother's Day to my very dear Mang. I love you and I miss you so much!

May all mothers have a safe, blessed and wonderful day!  Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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