Sunday, May 10, 2015


Does Mother's Day seems to be getting bigger and more commercialized lately? Seems like people are buying more presents and spending more, which is really good, not only for our mothers but also for the economy. So, what are you griping about?  Did you not get a present today?  Were you not entertained today? Sure!  I really appreciate it all, but the true meaning of mothers day seems to be getting lost in the presents and entertainment. What do you want? Don't you not want to be pampered today? That's it! What's it? Don't mothers want to be pampered not only today but every day? What? Now, now, you are asking a lot, missy. People are busy and have lives too! You cannot expect your children to check on you and pamper you everyday...that is too much!  You expect too much! Maybe, maybe not. What do you guys think? Any comments?

It is not me. I sometimes see and read about parents living alone and not even one relative comes by and checks on them. May be the relatives live far away and cannot afford to see them. That can be true. Or maybe, the parents have become mean to the children or vice versa and have parted ways. What do you suggest? I am not sure. If the relatives live far from each other and cannot afford a plane ride or to drive, that is really a dilemma. What do you think they should do?

But if the problem is they have not talked to one another for quite sometime, perhaps, the children should take the initiative to be the first to contact the parents. Parents gave you life! Besides, life is too short to hold a grudge and not to talk to love ones. Forgive and forget!

I really miss my mother soooo much. I owe everything to her and my father, without them I would not be what I am today. Happy Mother's Day, Mang!

Anyway, your mother.....pamper them today especially, but pamper them whenever you can. After all, they gave you life. Honor them, love them, cherish them today, tomorrow and forever.

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers!!!